Halloween SpookTacular Party
Games, Prizes, Specials
Class Description
7-5-3 Academy will be having a "Spooktacular" Halloween Party full of games, prizes, and activities for youth to ensure a safe and fun Halloween. We will be having a Zombie Hunt, Ghoul & Ghost Bashing, Witches Walk, and Costume Contests, and Halloween inspired kids short movie. Pizza and drinks provided. All participants leave with a special 7-5-3 Academy Halloween Bag and Zombie Hunting Survival Kit We will also be providing a brief Fundamental of Halloween Survival mini-seminar at the start. Don't be late! Halloween costume dress up is highly encouraged for the Costume Contest. Categories inspired by: Martial Arts, Public Service (Police, EMT, Fire, etc), Movie Characters, and all Original. Time: 5 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Cost: $40 for Non-Members .. contact us for savings! Current Members and their +1 Non-Member Guest: SAVE $20 EACH .. contact us for promo code to use at time of booking checkout. No refunds or credits for booking due to logistics of planning event.
Upcoming Classes
Cancellation Policy
All attendees to include members, guests, and non-members, must book individually. Make sure to ask PRIOR to booking of event for possible promotion code to save $$ at time of checkout. If promo code is not entered at time of checkout, no refunds or credits offered. After booking, no refunds or credits available due to logistics of planning event for each attendee.